Funny Gifs of 2017 a Boogie in My Bag With Lag

Eclipse has royally screwed the pooch on Group Admin/Voting (and the Journal writer/editor), but I've found a workaround, please use this link/address to vote:;)

it will show only active items that need voting (in theory) with the OLDEST submissions first. Submissions have the maximum allowable time of 30 days before expiration, there is no reason for active admins to leave things that long (other than this shitty eclipse interface, to which the message log above lets us bypass).

If submissions continue to expire en masse going forward, I will begin demoting/revoking Contributor status. I've tried to stay laid back while we all adjust to the changes, but our community is suffering so it's time to step up.

As a reminder, and to keep it posted on the main page, I'm repeating the ONE Rule below:

[ the One Rule: ]

One Rule to Ring Them All,

One Rule to Find Them,

One Rule to Bring Them All,

And in Our Gallery Bind Them.

It seems there has been a little confusion in voting of late, so to clarify...

This group has but one rule: "If it shows women as STRONG, its accepted; if it shows women as WEAK, its rejected."

Muscle tone is encouraged, but not required. If a piece shows, for example, an FBB being overpowered by a smaller male opponent IT IS DECLINED as it still shows the woman as weak by comparison. If a piece shows a small woman overpowering a large man, than obviously its in. Strength/Power is the relevant factor, not size.

(Sometimes size/muscle-mass is the only power-indicator provided in a picture, in which case we have to use it. So, fair warning, do not submit Blizzard-esque male-to-female body proportions without CLEARLY showing her overpowering him. The character's relative Canon power levels will be considered, if known, but this may not always be enough. For example, if a picture shows an exaggerated/hyper-buff Batman and Superman with a scrawny Wonder Woman - even though she is established as on-par with Superman in Strength, the piece will still likely be declined as tending toward M-Dom [aka South of the Demarcation 50-50 Line]. Stay at or above the F=M power line and your submission will be approved.)

We try to be as inclusive as possible, so as long as something qualifies 50% it is allowed. (this may sound like a second rule, but its more of a sub-clause of the One Rule.... ;) )

Being inclusive means in addition to clearly Amazonian art, we also allow STORIES and the following items which fall right on the 50% line:

* Furry/Anthro/Taur/Hybrid (half-woman/half-animal)

* Cyborg/Gynoid (half-woman/half-machine)

* Futanari/Hermaphrodite (half-woman/half-man - again "F >= M" applies here, so SHE must be/appear more female than male overall. [for clarity: this does not preculde hyper endowment, but it does mean no "male-herms" or "femboys"; as to the rest, it becomes extremely subjective and must be reviewed case by case.] Also, remember dA has additional rules regarding the presence of male genetalia. And, its pretty hard to meet the 50% line without at least the implied presence of female genetalia. [and a lack thereof would not be a true hermaphrodite/futa, which suggests it would fall below the 50% margin required for submission - the subject is controversial enough without getting into the mostly-male territory which clearly does not belong in an Amazon-themed/female-centered group.])

* Mixed combat (where the female is at least as strong/capable as her male opponent)

* Some Peril (provided the woman is still shown as physically and emotionally powerful/dangerous)

(again to clarify, MUST be at least half woman [defined as: humanoid-female] and shown as strong, not helpless)

It should go without saying, but we allow ALL ART FORMS INCLUDING MORPHS.

That being said, there has been some controversy of late regarding morphs submitted to this group. It culminated in unprofessional behavior from two admins that resulted in a member quitting the group. Although the admins in question CLEARLY overstepped the limited authority granted by the ONE RULE, they did bring up a legitimate concern:

** Some morphs do not meet the 50-50 line, the most common reason for which is the use of a predominantly MALE BODY (taken from a Male-Bodybuilder Photo) with in many cases only a female head pasted on. There is no reason to use a male chest or arms to create what is supposed to be a female body builder, there are pleanty of large, well-defined female body builders, as well as 3D Stock and Tutorials on how to morph and if needed draw/shade in muscle detail. Use of a male body as the primary source for the morph is clear reason for decline, as again it falls below the 50-50 line.

The items below are clearly not even remotely Amazonian, are in fact the very antithesis of it and thus not only DECLINED, but will be cause for BANNING if repeatedly submitted:

* Ryona (except when its F-F and the dominant woman is SHOWN.)

* Guro (same as above, but ONLY ALLOWED IF the death was caused by a SUPERIOR WOMAN not a weapon.)


* Male characters. (completely bloody off-topic. But this also means that if the picture focuses primarily on male characters, or shows them as significantly stronger than the female characters in the picture/story that it most certainly will not be allowed in this group. Example, a picture of a bodybuilding couple where the male has 20" arms and the female has 16" arms- will be rejected UNLESS she is out-lifting/overpowering him in the picture.)

* Most Peril (This one is tricky, its one thing for her to be chained and fighting her restraints, quite another for her to be shown as completely helpless. Peril items must be carefully reviewed: if it portrays her as strong and defiant, possibly on the verge of breaking free then it is allowed; if she is shown as helpless, broken, facing certain death then it is considered RYONA, and is grounds for banning.)

I will WARN FIRST so long as the submission appears to be an innocent mistake. This means I WILL NOT WARN BEFORE BANNING UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:

* I have warned you before, especially more than once in the same month. (It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to know the rule[s] of the groups you submit to.)

* Your gallery is primarily composed of Ryona, Peril, or M-Dom works. (If it is, you're in the wrong group.)

* The deviation submitted is extremely M-Dom/Ryona, unmistakably so. (Such as the works of several former members who are now PERMA-BANNED, many of which went as far as Guro.)

* The only character in your submission is MALE and I do not believe you submitted it by mistake. (As when your gallery is predominantly male characters, and when you do draw females they are toothpicks with boobs.)

* I discover you are simply SPAMMING irrelevant submissions to any group you can, regardless of the groups rules. (I've caught a couple now who abuse the fact that we allow non-members to submit, and this is the reason they are limited to ONE submission per day, no features, and require a grid-locking 7 votes to be approved. If the item you submit is just an ordinary pinup [non-amazon], and its in 200+ groups already- OR its not even contain a person/character at all, you will be banned immediately.)

Again, for those who would prefer the rule as a mathematical proof: "F >= M". This is the only truth/condition that will be allowed in our gallery. Equal does not always mean victorious, but it NEVER means victim/helpless.

Questions, Comments, Thoughts? Feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to keep this group as inclusive as I can without going off-topic.;) ;) ;)


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